Comment fonctionnent les véhicules SmartWay

  • Joseph Norman
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L'EPA a développé un guide pratique qui identifie les véhicules SmartWay, un ensemble de voitures, de VUS et de camionnettes dont la consommation de carburant est supérieure à la moyenne. Jonathan Fickies / Getty Images


Imaginez un instant que vous n'aviez pas de voiture, mais que vous deviez tout de même vous rendre aux endroits qui sont importants dans votre vie quotidienne. Vous pouvez prendre les transports en commun, comme le bus ou le métro, mais ce n'est pas toujours pratique de prendre le bus ou le train. Le covoiturage est une option, mais il peut parfois être difficile à organiser, surtout si vous ne connaissez personne. Vous devrez peut-être parcourir des kilomètres pour vous rendre au travail ou à l'école. Sans voiture, vous pourriez être coincé.

Bien sûr, certaines personnes ne possèdent tout simplement pas de voiture, et d'autres ont la chance de pouvoir utiliser les transports en commun, vivre à proximité du travail ou même travailler à domicile. Mais comme la plupart des gens vivent des modes de vie modernes complexes et rapides, il leur est difficile de se déplacer sans véhicule. Qu'il s'agisse d'activités liées à la carrière comme le travail et l'école ou de choses de la vie quotidienne comme les courses et autres courses, les voitures, les VUS et les camionnettes nous aident à nous rendre du point A au point B avec une relative facilité..

-D'une part, les voitures sont pratiques pour nous - elles transportent nos effets personnels, nos produits d'épicerie et, surtout, nos gens. Mais la plupart se rendent compte que les automobiles créent une pollution nocive qui contribue de manière significative au réchauffement climatique. Le sous-produit de la combustion de carburant dans un moteur à combustion interne est les émissions qui sortent du tuyau d'échappement de votre véhicule - les gaz à effet de serre piégés dans l'atmosphère terrestre provoquent une augmentation des températures mondiales..

Il existe un certain nombre d'initiatives que vous pouvez prendre pour réduire les émissions des automobiles. D'une part, vous pouvez essayer les méthodes mentionnées ci-dessus, comme les transports en commun ou le covoiturage, pour réduire votre empreinte carbone. Et même changer votre façon de conduire et apprendre des habitudes de conduite écologiques, comme le respect des limites de vitesse et éviter les accélérations et les freinages rapides, réduira vos émissions et augmentera le rendement énergétique de votre véhicule..

Et grâce à l'Agence de protection de l'environnement (EPA), si vous songez à acheter une nouvelle voiture avec l'intention de faire un peu de conduite écologique, vous pouvez commencer encore plus tôt en achetant intelligemment. L'organisation a développé un système de certification, appelé SmartWay, pour aider les futurs propriétaires de voitures à l'esprit vert à identifier facilement les véhicules qui polluent moins et ont une meilleure économie de carburant. Plus une voiture est écologiquement performante, plus elle a de chances d'être reconnue par l'EPA. Alors, comment fonctionne la certification SmartWay?

L'EPA combine deux cotes, la pollution atmosphérique et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, pour déterminer si un véhicule est ou non certifié SmartWay.- David McNew / Getty Images

Périodiquement, l'EPA publie un Guide des véhicules verts qui évalue les voitures et les camions sur leur respect de l'environnement. C'est simplement une ressource utile pour les personnes à la recherche de véhicules économes en carburant, et vous pouvez rechercher presque toutes les voitures récentes sur le site Web de l'EPA.

Chaque véhicule examiné par l'EPA, qu'il s'agisse d'une voiture, d'un SUV ou d'un camion, obtient deux scores différents, un score de pollution atmosphérique et un score de gaz à effet de serre. Respectivement, ces scores évaluent les niveaux d'émission et les valeurs d'économie de carburant.

Le score de pollution de l'air évalue les émissions provenant du tuyau d'échappement d'un véhicule. Cela permet de suivre les niveaux de polluants nocifs que les véhicules rejettent dans l'air. Si vous avez déjà fait tester les émissions de votre véhicule, c'est à peu près la même chose: un moniteur est placé à l'intérieur du tuyau d'échappement de votre véhicule, et pendant que le testeur fait fonctionner le moteur, les émissions du tuyau d'échappement sont capturées et mesurées. Avant qu'une voiture ne soit mise sur le marché, un modèle de véhicule doit passer ces tests et l'EPA tient un registre des chiffres..

Le score de gaz à effet de serre, quant à lui, reflète spécifiquement la quantité de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et des deux autres gaz à effet de serre provenant des véhicules d'essai - l'oxyde nitreux (N2O) et le méthane (CH4). Le score des gaz à effet de serre est basé sur la consommation de carburant d'un véhicule ou sur l'efficacité avec laquelle un moteur brûle du carburant. Moins un véhicule consomme de carburant sur une longue période, moins il y a de CO2, N2O et CH4 dans l'atmosphère. Ainsi, plus le rendement énergétique d'un véhicule est élevé, plus son score sera élevé..

Ces deux scores vont de 0 à 10, où 0 est carrément terrible et 10 est le meilleur. Alors, comment un véhicule obtient-il la certification SmartWay? L'EPA additionne les scores de pollution atmosphérique et de gaz à effet de serre. Pour obtenir le sceau d'approbation SmartWay, les deux scores doivent être d'au moins 6. Donc, si votre véhicule a un score de pollution atmosphérique de 7, mais un score de gaz à effet de serre de seulement 5, vous n'avez pas de chance. Mais il y a un autre hic - les scores doivent totaliser au moins 13. Donc, encore une fois, si les deux scores d'un véhicule sont de 6 et totalisent 12, le véhicule ne fait pas la coupe. Un 6 sur un score et un 7 sur un autre est le moins qu'un véhicule puisse recevoir avant d'obtenir la certification SmartWay à côté de sa liste dans le Guide des véhicules verts de l'EPA - une base de données en ligne pour toute personne intéressée par ses options de conduite écologiques.

Mais y a-t-il une distinction encore plus élevée que la certification SmartWay?


Ainsi, les véhicules certifiés SmartWay ne sont pas seulement des véhicules écoénergétiques, mais aussi d'excellentes voitures et camions à acheter si vous êtes préoccupé par les émissions et que vous voulez avoir moins d'impact négatif sur l'environnement. Selon les estimations de l'EPA, ils sont meilleurs que votre consommateur de gaz moyen. Mais qu'en est-il de la crème de la crème? La plus verte des motrices vertes? Un vert si brillant que vos yeux peuvent devenir temporairement aveuglés?

L'EPA va plus loin et a créé une classification supplémentaire en plus de la certification SmartWay - une catégorie appelée SmartWay Elite. Toute voiture, camion ou SUV qui obtient le sceau d'approbation SmartWay Elite par l'EPA est considéré comme un «performant environnemental supérieur». Pour comprendre l'importance de la distinction, un véhicule certifié SmartWay, en comparaison, est considéré comme un «bon environnement», selon l'EPA.

Les véhicules SmartWay Elite sont jugés de la même manière que tous les autres véhicules. Mais pour être considéré comme SmartWay Elite, le véhicule doit recevoir un score de 9 ou mieux sur les scores de gaz à effet de serre et de pollution atmosphérique. Lorsque le score combiné le plus élevé possible pour un véhicule est de 20 et que le score le plus bas nécessaire pour la distinction Elite est de 18, vous pouvez être sûr que la certification SmartWay Elite n'est pas attribuée à n'importe quelle voiture à quatre roues et à moteur économe en carburant..

Jusqu'à présent, seuls quelques véhicules hybrides et au gaz naturel comprimé (GNC) se sont qualifiés pour le statut SmartWay Elite. Mais il existe plusieurs choix de véhicules SmartWay disponibles, en particulier dans des États comme la Californie, le Massachusetts, le Maine, New York et le Vermont. En effet, ces cinq États adhèrent aux normes d'émissions d'échappement du California Air Resources Board (CARB), qui fixent des normes d'émissions plus strictes pour les fabricants [source:].

Pour plus d'informations sur les voitures, la conduite écologique et l'environnement, il serait judicieux de consulter les liens sur la page suivante.

Déplacement d'objets dans le SmartWay

En plus du programme de certification SmartWay, l'EPA a également mis en place ce qu'on appelle le SmartWay Transport Partnership. Selon l'EPA, les véhicules de fret consomment environ 20 pour cent de l'énergie totale des transports aux États-Unis. Le partenariat de transport SmartWay vise à relever le défi des émissions de fret en promouvant de nouvelles stratégies qui économisent le carburant et améliorent l'efficacité - les entreprises qui prennent des mesures pour réduire la marche au ralenti aux aires de repos ou construire plus de flottes aérodynamiques économiseront non seulement de l'argent sur le carburant, mais gagneront le droit pour afficher un logo SmartWay Transport.

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  • Edmunds, Dan. «SmartWay: le programme d'évaluation des véhicules verts de l'EPA». 1er mai 2007. (22 mars 2009)
  • Agence de protection de l'environnement des États-Unis. «Guide des véhicules verts: à propos des cotes». 26 mars 2009. (26 mars 2009)
  • Agence de protection de l'environnement des États-Unis. «Certifié SmartWay». 12 décembre 2008. (22 mars 2009)

22.09.23 07:23
<a href=> <img src=""> </a> Blockchain analytics platform Santiment says that the odds are Bitcoin (BTC) will soon move to the upside due to one factor. The analytics platform says that Bitcoin is seeing a lot of short interest on two major crypto exchanges, which could set the stage for a short squeeze and send BTC beyond $30,000. “Bitcoin traders are aggressively shorting on both Deribit and Binance, making potential liquidations more likely to boost prices. BTC’s price is +4% since the increase in shorting began to appear last week. This has a good probability of continuing.” <img src=""> Source: Santiment/X A short squeeze happens when traders who borrow an asset at a certain price in hopes of selling it for lower to pocket the difference are forced to buy back the assets they borrowed as momentum moves against them, triggering further rallies. Santiment also says that Bitcoin’s network activity shot up this month as BTC crossed the $27,000 level. “Bitcoin’s on-chain activity continues to be significantly higher than it has been since April. Utility is notably higher, and the third largest day <of>activity] in dormant BTC in three months also occurred yesterday. The low $27,000 level is proving to be polarizing.” <img src=""> Source: Santiment/X The analytics firm is keeping a close eye on how many stablecoins deep-pocketed crypto investors are holding. An increase after a period of decline could indicate Bitcoin will move to the upside, according to Santiment. “Whales have been dropping stablecoins, indicating that their buying power isn’t quite as strong as when Bitcoin was above $30,000 back in June. <Holdings>are] now at the lowest level in six months. Look for $5 million+ whale wallets to increase again to signal a turnaround.” <img src=""> Source: Santiment/X Bitcoin is trading for $26,588 at time of writing, down 2.2% in the last 24 hours. Cryptocurrency exchanges review: #1 <a href=>OKX</a> - 24h Volume: $ 1 097 255 972. OKX is an Hong Kong-based company founded in 2017 by Star Xu. Not available to users in the United States. #2 <a href=>ByBit</a> - 24h Volume: $953 436 658. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Bybit works in over 200 countries across the globe with the exception of the US. #3 <a href=></a> - 24h Volume: $ 643 886 488. The company was founded in 2013. Headquartered in South Korea. is not available in the United States. #4 <a href=>MEXC</a> - 24h Volume: $ 543 633 048. MEXC was founded in 2018 and gained popularity in its hometown of Singapore. US residents have access to the MEXC exchange. #5 <a href=>KuCoin</a> - 24h Volume: $ 513 654 331. KuCoin operated by the Hong Kong company. Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US. #6 <a href=>Huobi</a> - 24h Volume: $ 358 727 945. Huobi Global was founded in 2013 in Beijing. Headquartered in Singapore. Citizens cannot use Huobi in the US. #7 <a href=>Bitfinix</a> - 24h Volume: $ 77 428 432. Bitfinex is located in Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan. Bitfinex is not currently available to U.S. citizens or residents. My bitcoin-blog: =)
10.09.23 02:12
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] The Render Token (RNDR) faced rejection yesterday after attempting to break past the resistance zone between $1.482 to $1.503. This move came on the heels of surpassing its 20-day EMA yesterday with a 6.22% move to the upside. However, RNDR was unable to sustain the upside momentum, dropping 1.89% and indicating that additional consolidation may be needed before its next substantial move to the upside. Render Price Prediction and Technical Analysis Looking at key technical indicators, the 20-day EMA currently stands at $1.440, the 50-day EMA at $1.568, and the 100-day EMA at $1.690. RNDR's RSI has marginally increased to 48.94 from yesterday's 48.83, suggesting neither oversold nor overbought conditions. Additionally, the MACD histogram is also up slightly at 0.022 from yesterday's 0.020, indicating a slight upward momentum. Support and Resistance Levels to Watch RNDR is currently trading at $1.458, showing an increase of 0.07% so far today. Despite the recent setback, RNDR is still trading above its immediate support level, which is the 20-day EMA of $1.440. This could signal a possible upward movement in the near term, especially since the price is now above the 20-day EMA. However, for those interested in a bearish outlook, the next area of support lies between the swing low support zone of $1.331 to $1.399. This zone aligns with the Fib 0.786 level of $1.333. Should the price break down below this point, a further support zone is located between $1.087 and $1.151. Additional Consolidation May Be Before RNDR’s Next Significant Move RNDR is currently in a somewhat indecisive phase. Its failure to move past the resistance zone may indicate a need for further price consolidation. With the current indicators, the token is not displaying strong signals in either direction. The recent rejection after attempting to move past resistance suggests the token needs more time to gather strength. However, RNDR continues to trade above key support levels, suggesting that there's still potential for upward momentum in the near future. Traders should closely monitor the mentioned support and resistance levels for clearer insight into RNDR's next potential move. Patience will be key for traders during this period of indecision. While RNDR faces indecision and consolidates before its next major price movement, an emerging Web3 platform called Launchpad XYZ is gearing up for its public launch. This new hub for crypto traders and enthusiasts alike is nearing the close of its presale event in less than 5 days. With features spanning decentralized finance, NFTs, gaming, and more, Launchpad XYZ seeks to be a one-stop shop for everything crypto and Web 3.0. Launchpad XYZ Offers Features for Crypto Enthusiasts and Beginners Alike Time is ticking for those interested in Launchpad XYZ (LPX), a platform with a variety of features set to end its presale in less than 5 days. Its services range from NFT discovery to decentralized exchange functionalities, and it is planned to list its LPX token on several cryptocurrency exchanges later this year. The platform is developing an array of tools and services, from utility token analysis to a Web3 wallet. It appears to offer something for everyone, whether you're new to cryptocurrency or have been involved in it for a while. Its services are intended to help users make the most of Web 3.0 technology. Holding a minimum of 10,000 LPX tokens comes with its own set of advantages. Holders can get fee discounts, early access to NFT sales, and beta game launches. There are also community badges for token holders, which could serve as a status symbol within the platform's community. Listing and Market Capitalization The platform has announced that the LPX token will be listed on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, a move expected to increase demand for the token. The platform is also set to unveil its main features in the third quarter of 2023. With a maximum token supply of 1 billion and a projected fully diluted market cap of $70 million, LPX is preparing for its public debut. In addition to its current offerings, the platform plans to roll out more features. These include a marketplace for assets that can be divided into smaller shares, a game based on trading expertise, and tools for brands to engage with their audiences in new ways. With its range of tools and services, Launchpad XYZ is looking to attract a broad user base. Its features are designed to be user-friendly, lowering the technical barriers often associated with Web 3.0 and cryptocurrency technologies. In summary, Launchpad XYZ is developing a variety of services for both experienced crypto users and newcomers. The platform's LPX token, with its associated perks, is set to list on various exchanges later this year. While the platform will roll out its main features in the third quarter of 2023, additional functionalities are also planned for the future. [img][/img] Cryptocurrency exchanges review: #1 [url=]OKX[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 1 097 255 972. OKX is an Hong Kong-based company founded in 2017 by Star Xu. Not available to users in the United States. #2 [url=]ByBit[/url] - 24h Volume: $953 436 658. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Bybit works in over 200 countries across the globe with the exception of the US. #3 [url=][/url] - 24h Volume: $ 643 886 488. The company was founded in 2013. Headquartered in South Korea. is not available in the United States. #4 [url=]MEXC[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 543 633 048. MEXC was founded in 2018 and gained popularity in its hometown of Singapore. US residents have access to the MEXC exchange. #5 [url=]KuCoin[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 513 654 331. KuCoin operated by the Hong Kong company. Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US. #6 [url=]Huobi[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 358 727 945. Huobi Global was founded in 2013 in Beijing. Headquartered in Singapore. Citizens cannot use Huobi in the US. #7 [url=]Bitfinix[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 77 428 432. Bitfinex is located in Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan. Bitfinex is not currently available to U.S. citizens or residents. My bitcoin-blog: Crypto Review: =)
26.08.23 04:45
Crypto news! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ripple, the company behind popular cryptocurrency XRP, has been announced as an official partner of a key subgroup under a Bank for International Settlements (BIS) committee. This could be a massive development in the company’s pursuit to create a crypto ecosystem between central banks around the world. [b]Ripple Named As Key BIS Committee Partner[/b] This announcement comes at a time when the altcoin is back to being in bullish space thanks to the recently delivered Summary Judgment in the Ripple lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The judgment effectively said that the token can not be deemed a security if it is sold through an exchange or through programmatic sales for retail buyers, while the previous judgment holds when it comes to institutional sales. According to the announcement, Ripple is now an official partner of the ‘Cross-border payments interoperability and extension taskforce’. The taskforce is a subgroup within the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures. The BIS announcement comes just few days after Michael Miebach, chief executive officer at payments company Mastercard, revealed that his company is in collaboration with the likes of Ripple in relation to a new central bank digital currency (CBDC) partner program. [b]What Next For XRP Price?[/b] Meanwhile, the XRP price saw significant volatile trend in the last few days, thanks to the recent developments like the SEC’s filing for interlocutory appeal in the lawsuit against Ripple. Earlier, CoinGape reported that traders could be rewarded if they hold on until the token hits a target of $0.62 next. Compared to the beginning of the year 2023, the XRP price jumped by a whopping 54%, compared to the 58% jump in Bitcoin price during the same period. [img][/img] Cryptocurrency exchanges review: #1 [url=]OKX[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 1 097 255 972. OKX is an Hong Kong-based company founded in 2017 by Star Xu. Not available to users in the United States. #2 [url=]ByBit[/url] - 24h Volume: $953 436 658. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Bybit works in over 200 countries across the globe with the exception of the US. #3 [url=][/url] - 24h Volume: $ 643 886 488. The company was founded in 2013. Headquartered in South Korea. is not available in the United States. #4 [url=]MEXC[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 543 633 048. MEXC was founded in 2018 and gained popularity in its hometown of Singapore. US residents have access to the MEXC exchange. #5 [url=]KuCoin[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 513 654 331. KuCoin operated by the Hong Kong company. Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US. #6 [url=]Huobi[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 358 727 945. Huobi Global was founded in 2013 in Beijing. Headquartered in Singapore. Citizens cannot use Huobi in the US. #7 [url=]Bitfinix[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 77 428 432. Bitfinex is located in Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan. Bitfinex is not currently available to U.S. citizens or residents. My bitcoin-blog: =)
23.07.23 04:34
Reported data shows that Bitcoin’s value increased by 83.8% in the first half of 2023, ranking first and exceeding other major world assets by a significant margin. In the second position is the Nasdaq index, whose value increased by 31.7%. A 37% drop in value puts natural gas in the bottom position following the fall in the prices of other energy sources. Data shows that in the first half of 2023, Bitcoin increased by 83.8%, ranking first, far exceeding other major assets in the world. The Nasdaq index rose 31.7%, ranking second, and other major national stock markets rose. The price of natural gas fell by 37%, ranking the… — Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain) July 2, 2023 Bitcoin’s trajectory for 2023 has been clear and with a bullish undertone. The flagship cryptocurrency kicked off the year with a strong bullish sentiment. The bitcoin price rose by 47% within the first month of the year, setting the tone for the following weeks. The cryptocurrency’s rise was characterized by typical declines, with support and resistance levels impacting the price change. Bitcoin’s price dropped to $19,569 in March after climbing over $25,000 for the first time since August 2022. Many Bitcoin analysts identified the climb above $25,000 as a significant move to confirm the end of the bear market. Despite the pullback after that, the majority of Bitcoin’s proponents considered it a consolidation and an accumulation opportunity. That belief was supported by the anticipation of a bull run ahead of the next Bitcoin halving, which comes up in 2024. Another phase of the bullish trend returned to the Bitcoin market in the middle of March. Bitcoin gained over 58% in about four weeks during that period, as the price surpassed the $30,000 level for the first time since June 2022. [img][/img] After that surge, Bitcoin entered into another consolidation, pulling back toward the $25,000 support region. After reaching a local low of $24,756, the bullish momentum returned, with the price returning above the $30,000 price level. Data from TradingView shows that Bitcoin’s price at the end of June was $30,469, marking a yearly gain of over 83%. Bitcoin traded at $30,503 at the time of writing, with the positive momentum still intact. Visit leading cryptocurrency exchanges: #1 [url=]OKX[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 1 097 255 972. OKX is an Hong Kong-based company founded in 2017 by Star Xu. Not available to users in the United States. #2 [url=]ByBit[/url] - 24h Volume: $953 436 658. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Bybit works in over 200 countries across the globe with the exception of the US. #3 [url=][/url] - 24h Volume: $ 643 886 488. The company was founded in 2013. Headquartered in South Korea. is not available in the United States. #4 [url=]MEXC[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 543 633 048. MEXC was founded in 2018 and gained popularity in its hometown of Singapore. US residents have access to the MEXC exchange. #5 [url=]KuCoin[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 513 654 331. KuCoin operated by the Hong Kong company. Kucoin is not licensed to operate in the US. #6 [url=]Huobi[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 358 727 945. Huobi Global was founded in 2013 in Beijing. Headquartered in Singapore. Citizens cannot use Huobi in the US. #7 [url=]Bitfinix[/url] - 24h Volume: $ 77 428 432. Bitfinex is located in Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan. Bitfinex is not currently available to U.S. citizens or residents. My bitcoin-blog: =)
Alfonsojag ([email protected])
05.05.23 06:30
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